Job Timeline (Ref 3999-4649)

All repairs are fixed price at £20 plus postage
Remote Returned to Customer

A Timeline of this job can be seen below.

Arrived - 16-Feb-2019
Fault Diagnosed
Remote Beyond Repair
Postage Received
Returned - 28-Feb-2019

Mertik maxitrol G30-ZRRS Remote Repair Details

Manufacturer : Mertik maxitrol

Model : G30-ZRRS

Customers Fault Description : The remote works fine, but the G30-ZRRS unit doesn't seem to be responding.


This fireplace rmeote and receiver arrived safely and on testing the remote was not transmitting on either channel.  This is a common issue caused by a faulty transducer, one was fitted which restored functionality to the remote.

When then tested with the receiver it was found that the receiver also had an issue whereby one of the channels was not responding from the signal;  This is usually caused by faulty oscillator crystals, these were replaced but unfortunately the issue remained.

It was noted that the battery block had signs of a battery leakage as one of the terminals had corrosive contaminants present.  On closer inspection to the PCB this leakage had also caused some damage to the print.

Due to the amount of issues a repair is not possible and replacements would be the better option.

Remote Images


 remote and receiver repair

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