Job Timeline (Ref 4208-4896)

All repairs are fixed price at £20 plus postage
Remote Returned to Customer

A Timeline of this job can be seen below.

Arrived - 25-Apr-2019
Fault Diagnosed
Remote Beyond Repair
Postage Received
Returned - 01-May-2019
Repair Engineer : Martin Smith
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Powrtouch E or T type Remote Repair Details

Manufacturer : Powrtouch

Model : E or T type

Customers Fault Description : After normal over-winter storage, the remote will not 'power up' when the two 'ON' buttons are pressed together. I've replaced the 9V battery with a new Duracell, and believe I have power to the board. The manufacturer helpline thinks it might be the control pad that is faulty. The main unit in the caravan powers up fine. The remote does not power up even if connected via the umbilical wire to the caravan.


This caravan mover controller arrived safely and on inspection the battery cable was detached from the PCB and the positive wire (after the re-join) was blackened, this is usually a sign of a battery leakage in the past which corrodes the copper wire.

A replacement battery cable was fitted but sadly the dead issue remained, the facia was swapped out for a known working button array but again the item remained dead.

A component test was carried out on the power on circuit but the issue could not be pinpointed, it was then decided that in this case a repair is not possible.

Remote Images

 remote repair

 back of controller