Job Timeline (Ref 4617-5396)

All repairs are fixed price at £20 plus postage
Remote Diagnosed

A Timeline of this job can be seen below.

Arrived - 02-Sep-2019
Fault Diagnosed
Repair Engineer : Martin Smith
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Purpleline (quattro) Remote Repair Details

Manufacturer : Purpleline (quattro)

Customers Fault Description : does not appear to be sending a signal. I think it should bleep when power button is pressed twice. I have another remote without the auto engage which works fine on the system but I have to engagge the motors manually.


This remote arrived safely from france and on testing was confirmed not to be powering on, it will respond from its button press but not stay on longer than a few seconds.

The transistor was ordered and fitted but sadly the problem persisted.  The LED was also found to read intermittently eroniously, a new one was fitted but no change to the fault was found.  It was then concluded that the issue was with the main IC which sadly is not available as a spare, therefore a repair is not possible.

This item was disposed of as per the customers request by phone - 20th Sep 2019 

Remote Images

 enduro remote repair

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